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DeyVarah's avatar

The MemeMeme v1: Dey



As promised I filled out my own meme-meme. :XD:
This was really a lot of fun and veeeery good practice (especially since most of the faces actually turn right which is the difficult side for me).
Those are the sketches for now, I'll probably color them at some point and start using them as icons for various occasions xD

Hope you all have as much fun with this as I did!


EDIT: Probably too late now but I was forced to slap watermarks on it... Colored version will have them from the start.

EDIT2: I felt these watermarks were needed because this is not supposed to be used by everyone out there... it's my private character, not just any random "lion" (it's a snow leopard btw)
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1000x2125px 884.65 KB
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HelloWishbone's avatar
This was posted to imgur, just so you know. They didn't claim it or anything, but it did get a lot of upvotes, so I thought you might like to know :3